Rural Rejects – Unwanted Pets and How They Found Love

I grew up in the country, rural Northeastern Pennsylvania to be exact. Raised on a beautiful 30 acre farmette, my family always had animals from cats and dogs to poultry, llamas, sheep, horses, and lots of others. It was hobby farming, no production other than new babies in the spring and hayfields to harvest for winter feeding. Over the years our little farm became the home to many pets tossed out along the roadside and left to their fate by others far less compassionate towards them. While from origins unknown, more than one of these unfortunate animals found a place in our hearts and home. Read More »

Doggie Diet, Part 1 – Understanding Pet Food & Pet Food Labels

Happy DogCommercial Dog food was first developed in the mid 1800’s and the pet food industry has grown by leaps and bounds ever since. With all the varieties, brands, and marketing messages being tossed around, it is sometimes difficult to know if you are selecting the right food for your pet. Selecting a quality pet food is essential for the health of your dog, and a balanced diet and regular exercise are the foundations for a healthy, happy pet. A quality diet can help prevent disease, alleviate allergies, Read More »

Iams, Eukanuba Issue Expanded Voluntary Pet Food Recall

Iams and Eukanuba form Procter and Gamble Pet have now expanded the voluntary recall of various pet food formulas distributed in the United Stades due to a salmonella contamination risk. You can find a complete list of the foods involved in the recall here.  Salmonella can make your pet very sick and handling contaminated food can make you very sick as well. If you feed one of the formulas listed in the recall, DO NOT continue to feed to foods to your pet. If you suspect that the food you have may be involved in the recall, discard the remainder of the food and be sure to wash your hands with soap and hot water after handling. Dishes, bowls and surfaces that may have been in contact with these foods should also be cleaned thouroughly. Children, seniors and those with compromised immune systems should avoid handling the food at all.

Common Small Animal Myths – Debunking Bad Publicity – Part 2

Now onto some interesting things I’ve heard about some smaller pets.

Guinea Pig Gossip

I’ve actually heard people say that a guinea pig’s eyes will fall off out you pick him up by the tail.

This ridiculous myth has been around for decades. I have no idea where it came from, but I can debunk it with one simple fact….guinea pigs don’t have tails!

The idea that Guinea pigs can live with rabbits is a common bit of misinformation. Read More »

Volunteer Opportunities in Zoos, Aquariums, Museums and Nature Centers

Frank with SlothI consider myself extremely fortunate in having been able to spend a lifetime working in zoos with animals from all over the world.  However, zoo work is not for everyone – even those who are passionate about wildlife may become frustrated by the lack of opportunities (not to mention the exceedingly low salaries!).  There is, however, a very pleasant alternative for those who wish to be around exotic creatures on a regular basis– volunteering.  Many zoos, aquariums, nature centers and museums accept volunteers, and most provide extensive training.  Read More »

Common Small Animal Myths – Debunking Bad Publicity – Part 1

Having worked at That Fish Place’s Small Animal Room for nearly 6 years, I’ve heard many a misconception from customers. Most of this I attribute to the grape vine effect. One person has a bad experience with a pet, tells someone else about it, and then that story gets embellished or added upon over time, until it becomes a completely fictional story. Today, I’d like to debunk some of the more commonly heard myths I’ve heard over the years. Read More »

Pet Fire Safety Check – How Does Your Home Compare?

Dog lying by open flameLast Thursday was National Pet Fire Safety Day. A house fire has always been one of my greatest fears so when the AKC put out their tips on avoiding this potential tragedy I was shocked to learn that almost 1,000 house fires last year were actually started by the family pets themselves. Some of the pet fire safety tips the AKC gave were obvious to me, but others were more subtle. Planning for the unexpected tragedy is an integral part of responsible pet ownership.

How to prevent your pet from starting fires

Extinguish open flames – Curious by nature, pets will often investigate candles or stovetops. Never leave an open flame, such as a candle or gas stove, unattended and be sure to double check that all flames have been put out before leaving your home. Read More »

Cool Treats for Hot Dogs – Tasty and Creative Frozen Snacks to Beat Summer Heat

It’s the middle of July, and as we brace ourselves for the next heat wave, I’m thinking of ways to keep my pup cool, too. The evening news features footage of zookeepers serving frozen treats to captive animals – from frozen bananas and fruit juice to whole frozen fish and bloodcicles (awesome if you’re a tiger, I suppose) none of the animals deny a frozen treat for a few minutes of relief from these oppressive temperatures. So, what can we offer our pets at home? There are plenty of options. Read More »

Exotic Pet Possibilities, Part 2 – Sugar Gliders, Degus, Hedgehogs and Spiny Mice

Sugar GliderPygmy Mice, Ground Squirrels, Civets – all sorts of interesting small mammals have found their way into the pet trade and are regularly being bred.  Please see Part I of this article for a look at my favorite, the Flying Squirrel. Today I’d like to introduce several others that I’ve enjoyed keeping and learning about.

Note:Please see Part I of this article for health-related and legal considerations.  Read More »

Bird Toys – Not Just for the Birds!

I’ve owned my female gray cockatiel, Charlie, for 13 years, and still I haven’t developed the knack for figuring out what toys she will love and hate. She is a very picky girl and can take weeks to even glance at any new toy I give her, let alone play with it. Needless to say, this has resulted in a lot of perfectly good bird toys being stowed away in the cabinet never to be enjoyed. I thought I was wasting a lot of money on things that Charlie didn’t even like, and decided to experiment. Read More »

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