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iPhone Apps are Going to the Dogs!

pet blogI spend a lot of time with my phone. Probably too much time, to be honest. I rely on it for everything from deciding what restaurant to try this weekend to communicating with clients. While I don’t always like being connected to my phone 24/7, it does have its advantages, especially when you’re on the run with dogs in tow! I thought it might be fun to open up my phone and share with you the apps that I use most for my pets.

Apps Every Pet Owner Should Download

Paw CardPaw Card– This is my most important dog-related app since I travel with my pets from time to time. I’ll admit that when I travel with my dogs, I sometimes forget to make copies of my vet records and to bring them with me, especially on short local trips. Bad mom, I know. That’s where this app comes into play. Paw Card allows you to store your pets’ important medical information like prescriptions, medical conditions and vaccination records for an unlimited number of pets. While these records won’t be sufficient for entry into every dog park or hotel you might want to visit, they are helpful in case of an emergency.

You can even create journal entries for each pet to track any changes your pet may be experiencing, or to note questions you’d like to ask your vet. My favorite feature is that you can graph your pet’s weight. The best part? It was FREE. Please note: as of publishing this post PawCard is no longer available in the app store. It is unclear if this is temporary or not. There are several alternatives available. The makers of PawCard have released Pet First Aid ($3.99 – see below), which has a similar component to keep vital information close at hand.

Dog Parks- Have you ever been in the car for a couple of hours with 3 restless, feisty dogs? If you have you’d know that you would give anything to find the nearest off leash dog park. Dog Parks app to the rescue! The lite version (free) will show you the locations of nearby dog parks and give basic information on the parks. Read reviews and check out the scene before you get there. Most of the information is user-generated and you can leave reviews and comments for the parks you visit.

Fido Factor– This user-generated directory of pet-friendly businesses, restaurants, attractions and pet services is great for when you are traveling with the ‘kids’ in unfamiliar territory. The information is user generated, so if you live in or are traveling to a rural area there may be many “holes”… that’s just another reason to download this app and start adding your town’s pet-friendly establishments to the directory! The app is free, and you can also find or add information via their website.

Pet First Aid – This app is the newest addition to my dog app folder. It had some fantastic reviews so I figured it might be worth the price ($3.99). While I haven’t had to use it for any emergency situations, I have been reading the articles available. It is an invaluable resource for those of us who fret over every bug bite or scrape. It’s always best to be prepared! Like I mentioned earlier, there is a portion of the app dedicated to keeping your pet’s vital information close at hand. This portion is identical to Paw Card, and if you already  use Paw Card you can import all the information to Pet First Aid.

Apps Just For Fun

LOLdogs – Who doesn’t need their daily dose of cuteness to get through the day? There is a new photo featured each day, some with funny captions, others just displaying dogs in all their cuteness. (Free)

DogBook – Facebook for your dogs! Connect with your dog park buddies and your Facebook friend’s dogs.  Ridiculous, but fun & free.

These are just a few of the apps available for pet owners in the app store. There really is an app for just about everything! Do you have a favorite iPhone or Android app that you use to help care for your pets? Please share them with us in the comments.

About hcrotsley

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Currently an owner of 3 dogs and 2 cats, I’ve gained a plethora of pet-related experience over the years. I strive to provide the best home I can for my little terrors, and you’ll read all about our trials and tribulations as I continue down the rewarding yet rocky road of pet parenthood.
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